How to Prepare for Your Upcoming Carpet Installation

Congratulations on your new carpet purchase! As you prepare for installation day, there are several steps you can take to ensure a smooth process. This guide covers essential points to consider for a full-house installation, though not all may apply to smaller projects.

Before Installation Day

  1. Verify Carpet Quality and Color: Before the installers begin, check the carpet's quality and color to confirm it's the correct material.
  2. Bathroom Arrangements: Discuss with the head installer which bathroom they can use. If none, inform your salesperson to make arrangements.
  3. Pre-Installation Painting: If painting, do so before carpet installation. Paint to the bottom of baseboards, cutting away existing carpet if necessary.
  4. Clear the Area: Move small items, electronics, and valuables out of the installation area. Installers usually move larger items, but clarify any special arrangements.
  5. Disposal of Old Carpet: Ensure arrangements are made for the disposal of your old carpet and pad. Confirm this with your salesperson or contract.
  6. Secure Wall Decorations: Remove and store picture frames and paintings to prevent damage from installation vibrations.
  7. Climate Control: For best installation results, maintain a temperature of 70°F and humidity between 30-55%.

During Installation

  1. Closet Carpeting: Padding is generally not installed in small closets due to stretching and tacking limitations. Discuss your options for larger walk-in closets.
  2. Carpet in Bathrooms: It's not recommended, but if insisted, ensure no padding or tack strips are used.
  3. Noise Considerations: Installation can be noisy, especially during padding and tack strip nailing. Plan accordingly.
  4. Post-Installation Vacuuming: Arrange for the carpet to be vacuumed after installation to remove any loose fibers.
  5. Final Walk-Through: Conduct a walk-through with the installers to ensure nails at transitions are properly hammered down and there are no protrusions.
  6. Damage Inspection: Inspect walls and areas around the installation for any damages. Take photos beforehand as a precaution.
  7. Subfloor Squeaks: Discuss any subfloor squeaks with your salesperson before installation and set expectations for potential noise reduction.
  8. Installation Crew Oversight: Avoid closely watching the crew work, as it may cause nervousness or mistakes. Address any concerns immediately to the head installer or your salesperson.
  9. Parking Arrangements: Provide clear instructions on where installers should park to avoid any inconvenience.
  10. Door Modifications: If doors don't clear the new carpet, they'll need to be shaved. Decide if installers will handle this (at a potential cost) or if you'll hire an expert.

Additional Tips

  • Valuables: Ensure all valuables, including cash, are stored safely away from the installation area.
  • Communication: Keep open lines of communication with your salesperson and the installation team to address any concerns or special requests.

By following these guidelines, you can help guarantee that your carpet installation day goes as smoothly as possible, ensuring a beautiful and satisfactory outcome.

Do you have more questions?

Connect with Aladdin Carpet & Floors or stop by our Rockville or Gaithersburg showrooms for expert guidance.

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